Flex Plus Freestanding 12" | 15" | 17" | 19" | 24" Teleprompter Series
Tablet and iPad | 400 NIT HDMI, VGA Locking Power | 1000 NIT 3G-SDI, HDMI, VGA, Composite, Locking Power (Monitor Models Side Inputs)
The Flex Plus FreeStand is ultra adjustable with easy, tool-less control of camera and monitor position. The monitors are *(1) self-reversing and can display prompting with either the included PC and Mac software or with any presentation software such as PowerPoint or Keynote.
*(1) The text reflection in glass reads backwards. Our monitor reverses the text so it is readable out of the box.

Flex Plus models feature the Plus Removable Back Sled that allows all Flex Plus Models to convert from a Sled Mount to a Freestanding or 15MM Rail Mount Model with Affordable Kits
Partial Product Highlights
- Fast, easy setup
- Supports any size camera from palmcorder to ENG, Cinema Camera, Mirrorless, DSLR, or Box Camera
- Easily readable to over 12 feet - 25 feet (Depending on the model)
- Reversing monitor 12", 15" 17", 19", 24" diagonal
- High Bright model available
- 3G-SDI input available on 12", 15", 17", 19" and 24" HB models
- Adapter available for iPad
- Upgradable from 12 to 15, 17, 19, and 24 inch monitor sizes.
- Tool-less Setup (Set up in minutes)
- Modular Kits allow the Flex Plus Freestanding Model to be used as a 15mm Model or Sled Mount Model
The Flex Plus Freestanding Teleprompter patent-pending design utilizes custom aluminum extrusions for high strength, featuring lightweight and tool-less setup and operation. The unique design offers perfect balance for any size camera from a palmcorder to a full size ENG camera. The included monitor offers a variety of inputs including 3G-SDI, Composite, VGA, composite and HDMI. The lightweight, long life LED backlit display offers a bright 400 nit image (nit is the unit of visible light intensity). The Flex 12 can be quickly and cost effectively converted to an iPad or to a 15, 17, 19, or 24 inch prompter for ultimate flexibility.
Soft Case / Travel Kits
- Does not includes a Soft Case, Call or email for pricing on Soft or Travel Cases.
- Studio (Trapezoidal) 17" - 19" and 24" Widescreen Teleprompters are available with Travel - Flight Cases (Hard Cases)
- Travel - Flight Cases (Hard Cases) are an upgrade
(All Plus Kits Shipping NOW)
- Standard Medium Duty Freestanding Kit - (recommended 12" - 24") includes Medium Duty 8ft Teleprompter Stand and Specialized Rapid Adapter
- Optional Heavy Duty Freestanding Kit - (recommended for 19" - 24") includes Heavy Duty Junior Roller Stand and Specialized Plated Rapid Adapter
- 15mm Kit - includes 15mm Rail Block
- Sled Kit converts the Flex Plus Freestanding Series into a Standard Sled Mount Teleprompter in Seconds Flex Plus Kits Available HERE
Beam Splitter Glass
65/35 is standard, 70/30 available as a no cost option
Optical Quality, Ultra clear, low iron glass eliminates color shift provides the best image to your cameras sensor
Antireflection coatings prevent glass reflections
*(1) Beamsplitter glass unites two optical phenomena: reflection and transmission. A beam splitter is a piece of glass that allows you to see the reflection of the text you are reading while looking through the glass into the lens of the camera.
Prompting Monitor Details
- 12" / 15" / 17” / 19" / 24" diagonal
- 1000 NIT High Bright Prompting Monitor Models - HDMI | 3G-SDI in, 3G-SDI out | VGA | Composite 2 x in, 1 x out | 4-PIN XLR Locking Power 1 x Side Inputs
- 400 NIT Regular Prompting Monitor Models - HDMI | VGA | 4-PIN XLR Locking Power - Side Inputs
- Built-in reversing
- 400 NIT Monitors Feature Flip Button - 1000 NIT Monitors Flip Button coming
- 15" - 17" - 19" - 24" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI side inputs for HighBright 1000 NIT
- LED backlit
- AC adapter included, battery operable
- Includes TeleScroll - Flip-Q Available at Request
- When using Prompter People Auto-Reversing monitors, you will not need to use the Flip Function in the flip Q Software and it is plug and play with TeleScroll Software (TeleScroll Included Free with Monitor Models)
- When using a 3rd Party monitor you may need to use the Flip Function in the Flip Q Software (Request Flip-Q at purchase if you are not using a Prompter People or other Auto-Reversing Monitor)
Dimensions / Weight
- Tool less design
- Camera position
- LCD position
- Tripod mount and balance
- Glass/Hood assembly
- iPad (iPad bracket needed)
- 12, 15, 17, 19, 24, (Studio) 15 - 17 - 19 (glass assembly and monitor needed)
- Controllers: wireless, wired, foot
TeleScroll and TeleScroll Voice Features
- TeleScroll is included free with Monitor Model Teleprompters
- TeleScroll Voice is a discounted (One time purchase) upgrade if purchased with a Monitor Model
- TeleScroll and TeleScroll Voice for iOS/Android must be purchased through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- TeleScroll is a scalable software that allows additional apps (Content) to be displayed Side-by-Side with other content
- TeleScroll has an autoscale option for 16:9 Monitors to convert them to 4:3 in Full Screen Mode
- TeleScroll Voice has all of the same features of TeleScroll but with a clean audio signal allows your Talent to set the pace of the Script with Automated Scrolling to their Voice
- TeleScroll Remote is a Free Download to control TeleScroll on both Desktop and Smartphone/Tablet for both iOS and Android
- Monitor Models include TeleScroll or if upgraded TeleScroll Voice on a USB/USB-C Dongle and are allowed one download license per monitor model ordered