Robo Jr Max PTZ Teleprompter for Larger PTZ Robotic Cameras
Regular 400 NIT - High Bright 1000 NIT Prompting Monitors 3G-SDI in/out, HDMI, Composite, VGA, 4-PIN XLR Locking Power | 4:3 17" - 19" | 16:9 1000 NIT 18.5"
Regular 400 NIT Prompting Monitors HDMI, Composite, VGA 16:9 18.5"
Robo Jr Max PTZ Camera Movement and Viewing Angle Highlights
ROBO (Robotic Camera) Jr Max PTZ Teleprompter | Designed for Larger PTZ Cameras
- Total 60° viewing angle
- 30° Viewing Angle Left
- 30° Viewing Angle Left
Total 60° Camera Movement
- 30° Movement Left
- 30° Movement Left
PTZ | Robotic Camera Mounting HighLights
- 1 x PTZ or Robotic Camera
- Upside down mounting for more camera mobility
- Smaller footprint than our popular Robo Teleprompter.
- Easily Access camera controls, and easily run wires.
Why Choose Prompter People Robo, Robo Jr, Robo Jr Max Teleprompters for your PTZ needs
- US made optical quality glass
- For Panasonic AW-UE150K UHD 4K 20x PTZ Camera
- All durable metal enclosure, no cloth, fabric, or canvas.
- 20-24 lb installed
- 3G-SDI, and HDMI inputs
- 65/35 Optical Quality Beamsplitter Glass
- US designed, assembled and supported
- The leader in experience and installed systems
- Robo Jr Max (Fully Compatible out of the box with Panasonic AW-UE150W UHD 4K)
- Robo Jr Max (Partially Compatible with Sony FR-7 out of the Box 5.5" or 140mm Max Lens Length)
- The Sony FR-7 is recommended to use with the Prompter People Robo PTZ Teleprompter at it is fully compatible with an upgrade kit shipping free for extra compatibility
- Robo Jr Max V2 for the Sony FR7 + Kit and Longer Lenses (Email to pre-order)
Prompting Monitor
- 17" / 19" / 18.5" diagonal
- Built-in reversing
- 17" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI composite inputs, 4-Pin XLR Power Side Inputs for Auto Reversing 4:3 Regular 400 NIT
- 17" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI, 4-PIN XLR Locking Power Side Inputs for HighBright Auto Reversing 4:3 1000 NIT
- 19" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI composite inputs, 4-PIN XLR Locking Power Side Inputs for Auto Reversing 4:3 Regular 400 NIT
- 19" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI, 4-PIN XLR Locking Power Side Inputs for HighBright Auto Reversing 4:3 1000 NIT
- 18.5" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI inputs for Auto Reversing 16:9 Regular (Rear Input RGB-IPS Panel) 400 NIT
- 18.5" 3G-SDI, VGA, HDMI 4-PIN XLR Locking Power SIde inputs for Auto Reversing 16:9 Regular 1000 NIT
- LED backlit
- 18.5" REG 400 NIT RGB IPS Color Accurate Panel
- AC adapter included, battery operable
- When using Prompter People Auto-Reversing monitors, you will not need to flip with TeleScroll
- If you are using a 3rd Party monitor please request Flip-Q instead of TeleScroll, you may need to use the Flip Function in the Flip Q Software if the Monitor does not have Auto-Reversing as a Built-in Feature
TeleScroll and TeleScroll Voice Features
- TeleScroll is included free with Monitor Model Teleprompters
- TeleScroll Voice is a discounted (One time purchase) upgrade if purchased with a Monitor Model
- TeleScroll and TeleScroll Voice for iOS/Android must be purchased through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- TeleScroll is a scalable software that allows additional apps (Content) to be displayed Side-by-Side with other content
- TeleScroll has an autoscale option for 16:9 Monitors to convert them to 4:3 in Full Screen Mode
- TeleScroll Voice has all of the same features of TeleScroll but with a clean audio signal allows your Talent to set the pace of the Script with Automated Scrolling to their Voice
- TeleScroll Remote is a Free Download to control TeleScroll on both Desktop and Smartphone/Tablet for both iOS and Android
- Monitor Models include TeleScroll or if upgraded TeleScroll Voice on a USB/USB-C Dongle and are allowed one download license per monitor model ordered
- Base to top 17”
- Front to back 21”
- Base width 14”x12”
- Front to back Robo Jr to front of monitor 28”
- Top width 21”
- 17 lbs dry weight imperial measure
- Robo-JR Weight - 19 lbs with Regular Monitor (Tripod Weight)
- Robo-JRHB Weight - 24 lbs with High Bright Monitor (Tripod Weight)
Recommended Camera Support
*Ensure the Teleprompter is properly balanced and locked off when not in use*